Information about Mediterran Publishing


Company Name Mediterran Publishing
Contact Person Nikola Jankovic
Job title General Manager
Editor Dusan Marinkovic, PhD
Postal Address Trg Republike 18, Novi Sad, 21000, Serbia
Phone Number +381.21.661.38.28
Fax Number +381.21.661.38.28


Our ambition is to change a social, political, cultural and intelectual landscape by means of our editions, since we believe that the humanistic and social sciences possess the powerful and crucial potential for building up a human self-awareness, without which there is no liberated, autonomous, educated, independent and critically oriented humanity.Mediterran Publishing is a small and independent publishing company, which started in the beginning of December, 2006. It was founded from pure passion for humanistic and social sciences and arts. Therefore, our mission and credo are deeply rooted in these areas of human creativity. Therefore, our goal is to publish serious books that will last in long-term perspective. We are reffering not only to the academic, but also to the broader audience, which may not be necessarily specialized. Within our prestigious and crucial edition – Arhipelag, we published the trendy book of the American sociologist and lawyer David Riesman: The Lonely Crowd. In addition, we published The Functons of Social Conflict by a famous American sociologist Lewis Coser, and The Theory of the Leisure Class by another well-known American sociologist Thorstein Veblen. In cooperation with the Embassy of USA in Belgrade, we released a highly popular book in America – Bowling Alone, written by Robert D. Putnam. We should also mention books by Karl Mannheim, Zygmunt Bauman, Michel Foucault, Werner Sombart, Erving Goffman, Jane Jacobs and many other, in the world of humanistic and social sciences, unavoidable authors. We classify ourselves together with those who consider the culture, and especially the science and the art, as a social engagement, unrestrained by national or any other particularist borders. The publishing activity is a public activity, but it should have been a socially engaged, as well. It should be a certain response to the social reality. Thus, through our editions, we are attempting to incite a political, academic, and cultural-artistic resonance. Our editions are relevant scientific and cultural tools for initiating dialogue on important social and cultural issues, i.e. prompting such a dialogue at the levels of the state and society, aiming to critically reexamine and revaluate the past and create more human and ethical presence. We, as participants and creators of public action, with an ambition of social engagement, are obliged to become promoters of a genuine, yet vitally required, social, political, democratic, legal, academic and cultural-artistic practice, which is being imperatively posted by a modern global civilization moment. Our editions claim to be a genuine spiritual and intelectual microspace, which permanently radiates into a broader community a certain rethinkable, examinable, human, critical and ethical voice about our life, here and now. In relation with our editing and publishing activities, we assemble fellows and collaborators from a wide range of social life (researchers, analysts, professors, students, journalists, artists and experts coming from all domains of diverse human activities and creativity), who will, together with us, critically reform and build up a new social, democratic and cultural reality. The doors of our company are open to all who are ready for an exchange of ideas and thought, for a sincerely, friendly and partner-based conversation about editions that would reinforce, refine and enrich our society, science, culture and art.

We welcome all who honestly and definitely want to support the activities of our house.

Our Editor in Chief, Dusan Marinkovic (PhD), is a sociologist at the Sociology Department at the University of Novi Sad.

Nikola Jankovic, general manager, has been in publishing business since the beginning of 90’s. He was the general manager of a small innovative publishing house Global Book, Novi Sad.